Pattern Recognition

Improve visual pattern recognition skills

  • 3 ratings, 704 students enrolled

Course Overview

Pattern recognition is the ability to identify patterns in information and match it with the information already stored in the brain. It is useful in making connections in understanding, predictions and out of box thinking. It is an essential skill for kids to make associations, solve problems and make decisions. Pattern recognition is necessary for competitive exams in quantitative and analytical reasoning. It is a foundational skill for many careers like data science, neural networks, machine learning and genetic engineering etc.

What are the requirements?

Course can be accessed through 3mguru mobile app and website

What am I going to get from this course?

Improve visual pattern recognition skills

What is the target audience?

Recommended for 6 to 16 yrs kids

About the Author

Guru means being a teacher of skills, a counselor who helps in the birth of mind and realization of one's potential, who instils values and experiential knowledge, an inspiration who helps guide a student's overall development. 3mguru - your friend, philosopher and guide.

Course Curriculum

Pattern Recognition Activities

  • Colours on The Table
  • The Egyptian Puzzle
  • Tribal Puzzle
  • Forest Dots
  • The Matrix
  • Jungle Fight Club
  • Mirror of the Mind

Story Based Learning

  • Last Day Of School
