Selective Attention

Improve visual discrimination and multi tasking skills

  • 4 ratings, 211 students enrolled

Course Overview

Visual discrimination or divided attention is the ability to detect differences or similarities in objects, symbols, or shapes. It is useful in classification, categorization and trend prediction. Kids with good visual discrimination skills are better at multi tasking. Some careers that require visual discrimination skills are natural sciences, quality control, dentists etc.

What are the requirements?

Course can be accessed through 3mguru mobile app or web

What am I going to get from this course?

Improve visual discrimination (divided attention) skills

What is the target audience?

6 to 16 yrs old kids

About the Author

Guru means being a teacher of skills, a counselor who helps in the birth of mind and realization of one's potential, who instils values and experiential knowledge, an inspiration who helps guide a student's overall development. 3mguru - your friend, philosopher and guide.

Course Curriculum

Selective Attention Activities

  • Aztec Arrows
  • Colour Word Quest
  • Colours and Fills
  • Jumbo Land
  • Lightening and Thunder
  • Counting Gallery
  • Spot the Differences
  • Anagram Puzzlers

Story Based Learning

  • Abhyagara Bridge


  • good one. got to know the mental aspects of my daughter and what skills naturally come to her and how to improve them. highly recommended to all mothers.
    3 years ago
    3 years ago
  • An interactive and informative course. Thank you for organising the same.
    3 years ago