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Why is value education important?

  • 3m guru
  • Jul 19, 2023
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In our quest for progress, we have left behind a polluted environment and destroyed ecosystems. The world is on the brink of big conflicts, with a fight for dominance over dwindling resources. It has become an accepted norm, that to win, one can exploit the weak.

And it is this attitude of self-centredness and indifference that is leading us towards more turmoil, in the world outside and also inside the human psyche. As a species, our collective consciousness needs an urgent revival.

People need to think about welfare as a whole and not confined to them alone. We need to understand that survival and progress is unsustainable if not viewed in a collective sense.

We need to build a mindful generation, who know that certain values are not to be compromised, whatever is the cost that is to be paid.

We need to nurture future citizens of the world who are confident that they could stick by what they believe in and still achieve their dreams and goals.

It is possible through bringing up young people, who are deeply rooted in values of universalism, compassion, and creativity. Bringing up a generation that shoulders the problems of their world as their own and bring about creative solutions.

We don’t need future of mankind to be disillusioned about their self-worth. We don’t need future leaders who make up for their own internal weaknesses by showcasing aggression towards their neighbours.

We don’t need a human race that thinks they are entitled to trample upon every other species in the guise of their own welfare and growth.

We  need minds that can think not only logically, but also critically and empathetically.

We need every person in the future, to be strong from the inside, so that they need not wear masks for the society, to prove their self-worth.

We can dream about such a world, such a future, where every soul understands that they are all connected through a web of love, brotherhood, and compassion.

We can dream about a conscious generation that is mindful that every thought that they have, every word that they utter and every action that they take, should be consistent with the values that they hold dear.

For this dream to turn into reality it is not enough to just teach them values. This dream can only be achieved by giving them the belief that they need not compromise on the values that they cherished when young, as they grow up.

It can be achieved one step at a time. One mind at a time. One person at a time.

If one cancerous cell in the body can clone the ones near them, let us also believe one good person can make the same impact on the others around them.

If misdeeds can be attributed to peer pressure, then let us also believe that the positive pressure of one good person can create a change around them for good.

It will be a long and hard journey, but an effort that is worthy of stepping on.

Let’s start the transformation, one person at a time!


Download 3mguru value education app from Android and IOS stores.

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